Where in the world is burning? : ART. 02



Some claim that Kim will go back on his deal…

Here is something to think about however…you know the fact that they might bury the hatchet, actually means the hatchet has to go somewhere else.

What am I talking about?

Image source

The USA has about 23,000 soldiers in South Korea, probably some more in nearby countries too. Now let’s say that all of those soldiers, who are standing at the ready to push back an evil invader; suddenly have no one to protect against.

What are they gonna do? Send them home?….

With tension’s rising in Syria, the US will get more troops involved. Now I know he said he will get them out. Well if he is pulled into a conflict, he certainly won’t.

Syria isn’t the only problem though. Today there was another suicide attack in Kabul, journalists, and civilians the target as terrorists carried out horrific attacks. 

This wasn’t your average terrorist attack either… this plan was carried out with real malicious intent.

On Monday, a terrorist detonated a suicide vest, killing and injuring various people. If this wasn’t terrible enough, it gets worse. A second terrorist watched on, then pretended to be a journalist so that when other nearby journalists and civilians would rush over; he could detonate a second suicide vest and continue to injure and kill even more journalists. I have to be honest, I think both terrorists were sick people; the second had to have certain kind of malice though, to be able to watch one person kill themselves and enough people to cause more people to rush over and use it as a way to draw them in to kill more of them… That’s not human.

The rest of the world watches as Syria continues to be eradicated by a civil war(that involves 8 different parties). 

Support for the Syrian Ba’athist government

  • Russia
  • Iran
  • Hezbollah
  • Iraq
  • Companies

Support for Syrian opposition

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Turkey
  • Arab League
  • Support from non-state groups

The thing is this, every one of those countries has a goal, but that doesn’t mean that their goals are also supporting what their compatriots support.

This is why the situation continues to worsen and why governments need to step up their game. The entire middle east has become a problem that is not limited to the middle east but is being suffered by everyone. 

Some are even arguing that rather the rest of the world step in to set them straight, in future we should simply hang back and “let them settle it amongst themselves”. What do you think?

So that’s what has been going on, tune in next month for another perusal of problems faced by the egomaniacs we call world leaders.


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